Life Coaching

In the summer of 2017, a dear friend, issued an invitation to another friend and me. “I feel moved to share something with y’all,” she said with her charm and gentility. She proceeded to tell us about a workshop that she had an extra space for and even a hotel room if either of us were able to join her. The workshop was entitled “You Can Heal Your Life” and was based on Louise Hay’s book of the same title.

I felt a tug in that invitation so I went home and checked with all my people: could I head to Houston for the weekend? With the blessing of my accommodating, loving family I went to Houston that weekend with very little understanding about what exactly I had signed up for. Confession: I like that kind of mystery.

We stayed in a super fancy hotel, had dinner with the leader of the workshop, and began the work on Saturday. What followed was two days of work based in increasing self-love and dropping self-criticism. Some exercises and experiences were intense. Some were lighthearted and joyful. All of them were illuminating and empowering. I left that weekend with two main things: a calling to work with at-risk kids in acting and a desire to continue the work.

The acting work with kids has been one of the best things I ever decided to do. I remain so connected to my first group that I meet up with them at their middle school for lunch bunches. Also, I’m working with my second group this school year. They truly show me the power of love.

My desire to continue the work led me to hire the leader as my life coach. We have been working together for a little over a year now and I am consistently awed by the changes his presence in my life has wrought. In true humble fashion, he would say, “No, Nichole, it’s you who has done the work.” The beauty of the work we’ve done is that it’s both. He’s an incredible guide and I have had to step up in big ways.

I am so proud of the accomplishments I’ve had this year--creative projects completed and bigger risks taken. The biggest change by far, has been how I see myself and the world differently. My mindset is transformed. I recognize the abundance around me. I know that I get back what I put out into the world. I am kinder, more patient, and more compassionate with myself which makes me all of those things with others. I know I’m entitled to my feelings and I choose not to wallow in the negative. I take actions to move towards what I want and who I want to be. I have a daily practice that encourages and bolsters me.

I believe in working with guides and experts and I am so grateful that in my life, I have been gifted with many greats. This is my special shout-out to my phenomenal life coach, Doyle Ward (, who has patiently and compassionately guided me, held me accountable, and listened to me. Thank you! My life is forever transformed for the better because of you!

Who are your guides? Who helps you accomplish your goals?